Imagine finally being able to keep your plants happy and healthy…

having home full of botanical beauty and a pantry full to the brim with fresh and dried herbs and veggies brought to life with your own hands and heart…

having the green-thumb of all green-thumbs...


For some of you that dream might feel pretty far off right now.

It definitely felt lifetimes away from me for so freaking long.

The worst part was, even when I started learning more about the basics of plant care like proper watering, fertilizing, and sunlight, I STILL freaking seemed to wilt or outright kill every plant I got my hands on. Sound familiar?

But since I’m a lifelong experimenter and someone who stubbornly refuses to give up (don't even get me started on the last Pringle in the can), I did exactly that: refused to give up. I was DETERMINED to fill my life with plants and mouthwatering fresh food.

And then I had an eyeball-squinting, brain-bursting lightbulb moment:

Gardening and growing are just creative pursuits, and plants are just cosmic energy experiencing a physical, chlorophyll-loaded, conscious existence.

Luckily, creativity and metaphysics are maaajor zones of comfort and continuous curiosity for me, (probably you, too).

So I decided to try using the psychological and metaphysical tools that help me consistently improve my fiction writing and fine artwork as tools to help me go to from a plant wilter to a plant wizard.


And let’s just say that, 40 happy houseplants and a tummy full of veggies grown from nothing more than kitchen scraps later: YES, those tools worked like absolute magic.


And because I know so many of you are DETERMINED to stop wilting/killing your own plants and to start filling your life with the greenery and bountiful blooms your soul is crying out for, I decided to share all those tools (as well as the how-tos and a butt-load of personalized support) in the first-ever “How to go from Plant-Wilter to Plant-Wizard” course.

And when I say these tools can work for you no matter how little you know about growing/gardening or how long your track-record of plant-wilting is, I’m definitely speaking from personal experience…

  • I’m not a professionally trained horticulturist and up until this spring I’d never worked in a professional greenhouse or gardening environment...
  • my past is littered with more dead plants than I care to count...
  • and even some of my earliest gardening/growing success included mistakes that probably should have added those plants the "gone but not forgotten" list.


But thanks all those experiences and experiments with gardening + growing (not to mention art), what I AM is an avid believer in the surreal and limitless power of the human mind, body, and soul paired with the infinitely profound power of nature, and I’m as determined to help you use that power to take the ultimate care of your plants as you are to keep those plants alive.

That's why I created this course.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    🌿 Congratulations! You're about to enter a whole new dimension of gardening/growing!

    • A Message from Instructor Naomi Ross

    • Before you go...

    • Next steps

  • 2

    🌿 Week 1: How to Activate the Ultimate Greenthumb

    • Full outline of this week's content coming soon

  • 3

    🌿 Week 2: How to use the "Pentacle of Plant Wizardry" to keep your plants happy and healthy

    • Full outline of this week's content coming soon

  • 4

    🌿 Week 4: How to grow herbs from seed

    • Full outline of this week's content coming soon

  • 5

    🌿 Week 5: How to grow fresh veggies from kitchen scraps

    • Full outline of this week's content coming soon

  • 6

    🌿 Week 6: How to read, interpret, and connect with your plants' energy

    • Full outline of this week's content coming soon

  • 7

    🌿 Week 7: How to meditate with and for your plants

    • Full outline of this week's content coming soon

  • 8

    🌿 Week 8: How to harvest your fresh herbs and veggies

    • Full outline of this week's content coming soon

During the course... 

we’ll spend 90 days together (starting Monday, October 4th) doing a total overhaul of your gardener’s/grower’s mindset and energy using something I like to call The Ultimate Green-Thumb Activation method

Then you’ll get access to my Pyramid of Plant-Wizardry system to help you grow mindblowing plants and mouthwatering produce no matter where you’re gardening/growing or how long your track-record of plant-killing is.

You'll have full-access to all course content during those 90 days, and most of it is downloadable so that you can refer back to it even when the course is finished. (And yes, you'll definitely want to come back to some of this stuff again and again, and then probably once more time in the secrecy of your locked bathroom so people don't think you're obsessive)

By the end of the course/season...

You’ll be eating herbs and veggies* grown with your very own hands in your very own home and will have a proven system to track how and when to feed/water your plants without draining hours from your schedule or  forcing yourself to use soulless checklists. 

*even if you only plan on keeping houseplants or flowers and not herbs/veggies, this is a suuuper important part of the course because it will give your whole body and sensory system the proof that you have, indeed, gone from a plant wilter to a plant wizard. 

You’ll also know how to read and connect with the energy of your plants in a way that only seemed possible in fantasy movies (until now).

By this time next year...

You’ll probably be wondering HOW you possibly used to kill so many plants.

You’ll have a life full of bountiful botanicals and maybe even a pantry full of home-grown goodness that will keep your family happy and healthy for years to come.

Not to mention how much more wholesome and soulfully satisfying your home and your meals will feel.

And, years from now...

You might even be growing and eating plants produced by seeds you helped bring into the world.

And since we’ll be using a lot of powerful psychological and metaphysical tools instead of just traditional gardening/growing techniques, you’re almost guaranteed to see a lot of growth in other areas of your life too: more smiles with family and friends, an overflow of inspiration and motivation,  even a few other goals accomplished that you’ve been putting off for a while.

And for some of you, the triple-decker-cherry-on-top: you’ll have had a significant and positive impact on the planet. Say goodbye to pounds of plastic from grocery store veggies (not to mention all the fuel used to transport them from miles and miles away), and say hello to nature thriving inside and outside fo your home for years to come.

Who this course if for... 

  • people who want to fill your lives with mindblowing plants and/or mouthwatering produce but seem to wilt most plants with a single glance

  • people who have a deep passion and curiosity for the spiritual, metaphysical, and supernatural side of life and horticulture

  • indoor and outdoor gardeners and growers in any growing zone

And here's all you'll need... 

  • your computer

  • a room with at least one good window

  • a small amount of soil mix with good drainage (we'll talk specifics about this once you enroll)

  • a small seed-starting container (we'll also talk specifics about containers once you probably already have tons of things you can use around the house!)

  • a package of herb seeds (preferably some kind of basil)

  • another small growing container (you can use anything, even the bottom half of a plastic bottle)

  • green onions from the grocery store

  • and most important of all: your own uniquely mind, body, and soul

And if you're still on the fence, here's everything you get when you enroll...

  • 1 group masterclasse/workshop every week for 12 weeks($2364 value)

  • 1 private 1:1 coaching/energy-work call evert month for 3 months ($477 value)

  • Daily DM/email access for any emergency questions or those moment when you just need a soul-powered pep talk ($450 value)

  • The PDF of Profound Gardening & Growing Experiments ($29.97 value)

  • The Plant Nutrients Cheat-sheet ($9.97 value)

  • The Powerhouse Plant-Care Tracker Template ($9.97 value)

  • A personalized Powerhouse Plant-Care Tracker based on the plants you already have and any you add to the family during our time together ($99-$199 value)

  • A set of personalized guided meditations, 1 for you and 1 for your plants ($119 value)

  • A private Facebook group to share your progress and connect with other amazing people who are passionate about the magical, energetic side of plants and are also activating the hell out of their green thumbs (value: priceless)

  • plus a bonus for anyone who chooses the pay-in-full option: The Epic List of Meditations and Energy-Work Exercises for Plants and the People who Grow them


With all those goodies, the value of this course is around $3,500 CAD, but since I want all kinds of gardeners and growers to have access, I’m setting the enrollment cost this year at only $499CAD, with 2 different budget plans available.