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Imagine finally having a house filled with happy, healthy plants…
or having that pantry stocked full of with fresh and dried herbs and veggies brought to life with your own hands and heart…
imagine having the green-thumb you always dreamed of...
Well you've come to the right place!
Hey! I'm Naomi Ross,
your teacher for this course.
Some of you know me as a fiction writer and conceptual photographer. I'm also an avid plant-lover and a craver of home-grown food.
The only problem, was that I used to wilt or outright kill almost every plant I got my hands on, no matter how easy they supposedly were to keep alive.
Even when I learned more about the basics of proper plant-care - ideal sunlight and water conditions, nutrient levels, all that good stuff - I still couldn't seem to get it quite right.
So I know how frustrated you probably are right now, how it can feel like you're cursed to just destroy every beautiful thing you get your hands on, no matter how hard you try.
And I tried for a long time.
But it wasn't until I started focusing on my gardening mindset and energy paired with traditional gardening know-how that I started to see a major difference in my green-thumb.
Now, 70 happy houseplants and a few tummy-fulls of home-grown veggies later, I have no doubt that making those mental and metaphysical changes made a BIG difference in my gardening/plant-growing life.
And because I know so many of you are DETERMINED to stop wilting/killing your own plants and to start filling your life with greens and/or home-grown tastiness, I decided to share the tools I used to transform my green-thumb in this course.
And when I say these tools can work for you no matter how little you know about growing/gardening or how long your track-record of plant-wilting is, I’m definitely speaking from personal experience…
But thanks my own experiences with the tools I'm going to share in this course, I have absolute faith that anyone can go from plant wilter to plant wizard.
During the course...
You'll do a total overhaul of your gardener’s/grower’s mindset and energy using something I like to call The Ultimate Green-Thumb Activation method.
Then you’ll get access to my Pyramid of Plant-Wizardry system to help you grow mindblowing plants and mouthwatering produce no matter where you’re gardening/growing or how long your track-record of plant-destruction is.
You'll have life-time access to all course content, and most of it is downloadable so that you can refer back to it whenever and wherever you need to. (And yes, you'll definitely want to come back to some of this stuff again and again, and then probably once more time in the secrecy of your locked bathroom so people don't think you're obsessive)
By the end of the course/season...
You’ll be eating herbs and veggies* grown with your very own hands in your very own home and will have a proven system to track how and when to feed/water your plants without draining hours from your schedule or forcing yourself to use soulless checklists.
*even if you only plan on keeping houseplants or flowers and not herbs/veggies, this is a suuuper important part of the course because it will give your whole body and sensory system the proof that you have, indeed, gone from a plant wilter to a plant wizard.
You’ll also know how to read and connect with the energy of your plants in a way that only seemed possible in fantasy movies (until now).
By this time next year...
You’ll probably be wondering HOW you possibly used to kill so many plants.
You’ll have a life full of thriving plants and maybe even a kitchen full of home-grown goodness that will keep your family happy and healthy for years to come.
Not to mention how much more wholesome and soulfully satisfying your home and your meals will feel.
And, years from now...
You might even be growing and eating plants produced by seeds you helped bring into the world.
And since we’ll be using a lot of powerful psychological and metaphysical tools paired with traditional gardening/growing techniques, you’re almost guaranteed to see a lot of growth in other areas of your life too: more smiles with family and friends, an overflow of inspiration and motivation, even a few other goals accomplished that you’ve been putting off for a while.
And for some of you, the triple-decker-cherry-on-top: you’ll have had a significant and positive impact on the planet. Say goodbye to pounds of plastic from grocery store veggies (not to mention all the fuel used to transport them from miles and miles away), and say hello to nature thriving inside and outside fo your home for years to come.
Who this course if for...
And here's all you'll need...
And if you're still on the fence, here's everything you get when you enroll...
With all those goodies, the value of this course is around $3,500 CAD, but since I want all kinds of gardeners and growers to have access, I’m setting the enrollment cost this year at only $499CAD, with 2 different budget plans available.